Long Term Care

Long term care insurance coverage can often be included as a rider (as supplemental coverage) to other insurance plans, like a life insurance policy for instance. However, this coverage can also be obtained separately if one has a need for it.

Those who usually have the need for a long-term insurance policy would be those seeking help with end-of-life costs. It is for anyone who feels that they may live for an extended period of time or require specialized assistance toward the end of life. This long-term coverage provides policyholders with a sense of peace of mind in knowing that these expenses can be covered.

This coverage will generally be activated after a certain age and is designed to help with costs related to the care of an individual either within a nursing facility or at home. The insurance policy premiums are paid until the coverage is needed. Once kicking in, this coverage offers to help up until the person’s passing. Usually, long-term policies are less costly the earlier that they are purchased.

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Long-term insurance can cover a myriad of different things. Some will be limited in covering only the expense of a nursing home while other forms of coverage will help with the costs of in-home care. This kind of coverage will normally be in direct proportion to the cost of the premiums paid. Some policies even have coverage for the expense of training family members to care for the covered individual.

Long-term care can be exorbitant and even budget-busting to the extreme. The expense of caring for a person at the end of his or her life can often go beyond hundreds of thousands of dollars. Long-term insurance is what will cover many of these prohibitive costs. Furthermore, it’s not likely anyone can ever anticipate how long long-term care will be necessary.  One might plan for ten years of needed care but end up requiring twenty years of it! Long-term care will be there for you regardless.

In most cases, good long term coverage is quite affordable; it is valuable to those concerned about the potential expense to be incurred for their care toward the sunset of life.

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(703) 451-5900

46400 Benedict Dr Suite 107
Sterling, VA 20164

170 W Main St. Suite 107
Purcellville, VA 20132